RAI believes that when it comes to server environments, quantity isn't the same as quality.
Server environments are dynamic, diverse and complex to manage; yet the applications and business systems they support are critical. RAI experts provide the highest levels of power, performance, scalability and reliability for servers and workstations.
By identifying best-of-breed operating components and resources for optimized client/server performance, RAI enables new levels of network speed, convenience and compatibility.
RAI server management expertise includes the following:

RAI utilizes VMware to consolidate servers without the need to convert applications or operating systems.

Upgrade Implementation
RAI implements application, content and OS upgrades, determining enterprise-wide infrastructure impact before integrating an upgrade solution into existing IT infrastructure.

High Availability Environments
RAI server solutions maximize availability for distributed environments that require continuous uptime, even in the event of server or OS failure.

Security Assessment and Planning
RAI makes creating a secure server environment a priority in infrastructure design, consolidating and unifying server configuration and protecting against outages and security breaches.
Experienced RAI teams provide assessment, architecture and design services, and policies for overall security management, data backup and restoration.

Remote Support
RAI proactively monitors and maintains server hardware, operating systems and application and database software, providing daily reporting and verification to assure uninterrupted business transactions and continuous data protection.